Good morning Primary 2😊

I hope you all had a lovely weekend, it may not have been sunny, but it was perfect weather for some lazy days on the couch.

Your lovely videos really made my day on Friday, keep your eyes peeled for a video from all your friends coming very soon!

Today we are back to MATHS MONDAY

We are going to start a new information handling topic. I have given you a few options for today –

Task 1 and 2 focus on problem solving and discussion – these are very important maths skills! But you will need an adult/ sibling to chat to. So, you may want to leave this for a time that best suits.

Tasks 3 and 4 are focussing on revising the use of tally marks and then analysing data in tally charts.

Task one
Information can be sorted in lots of different ways. In this activity there are 9 different houses.
What do you notice about them? Can you sort them into different categories? Start by thinking about what is the same about some of the houses. Write a list of all the different ways you could sort the houses. How many different ways can you find?
Scroll to the bottom of the page to be able to drag the images around.

Task two
It is important to be able to interpret or ‘read’ information in a variety of ways. With an adult, read through some of the challenge cards, answering questions about the different information.
Do you remember what tally marks are? A bar chart? A pictogram?

Task three
Revise the use of tally marks. REMEMBER we draw 4 lines and stroke through on the fifth. This makes tally marks easy to count, as we know they are always grouped in 5’s.
Can you use tally marks to record how many of each spring object there is? It may be easier to mark the item as you record it so that you do not lose count.

Task four
Log on to Education City and complete the ‘information handling’ activities. Make sure to read/listen to the questions very carefully. They are not just asking you to count the tally marks, instead you need to compare by using your adding and subtracting skills.

Have a fantastic day! I am looking forward to seeing your smiley faces again this week😊

Remember, if you need any support then please just send me a message on Seesaw and I will help as best I can.

Miss Sweeney x