Good morning Primary 2😊

I hope you all had a lovely long weekend. It has been nice to have an extra day to relax and enjoy the sunshine!


Today we are going to round off some of our work on fractions. Next week we will move on to a new maths topic which I am sure you will enjoy.

Task one
Looking again at fractions of a quantity. This is very tricky and I would expect most of you to need to continue using concrete materials (your dried pasta, blocks etc) to help you calculate these.

Option 1
If you feel you need some more practise of halves and quarters of a quantity, then log in to Seesaw for an activity to support you with that. Remember you can always make up your own questions.

Option 2
If you were feeling confident with last week’s fractions of a quantity activity (still using concrete materials!) then have a go at the next step over on Education City. This is looking at fractions of a quantity but with an added extra. How many sweets do you have if you have 2/4 etc?

Task two
Play the matching pairs game on nrich (link is on Seesaw).
This is looking at fractions of a shape (some require some fraction of a quantity knowledge too).

Task three
Have a go at some half and quarter word problems.
**If you are feeling confident after the Education city, Fractions of a quantity challenge, then have a go at the extra challenge word problems!**

Please let me know how you get on and how confident you are feeling with fractions.

I hope you all have a fantastic day!

Miss Sweeney x