Good afternoon
In literacy we have been continuing with our phonics, some of us are working on alternative pronunciations in reading (such as soft/hard c - circle > cake).
In writing we have been working on the structure of a story. We need to make sure we have characters, a setting, an interesting problem/event and that this is resolved to end our story. While also remembering our punctuation, vocabulary and connectives.
In reading we have been learning about making predictions and inferences about a text. We have also been practising reading strategies to help us with our independent reading.
In numeracy we are continuing to work on our number bonds and quick recall of these. We have been exploring addition this term, using concrete and pictorial materials to help us work out number sentences. We have to think particularly hard about missing number calculations (7 + ? = 13).
We have also been learning how to tackle addition word problems, we have to find the clue words and write the number sentence before we can carry out the calculation.
In maths we have been spotting and developing patterns, both with object and with numbers.
This term saw the end of our dinosaur topic, we ended by looking at animals presently at risk of extinction.
The latter half of this term has been spent working on our nativity performance.
Health & wellbeing
In PE we have been developing our ball skills and learning the Gay Gordons.
We are continuing to work on our friendship skills and our ability to talk about our own learning and communicate our next steps.
Thank you for your donations of junk etc for our art area – we are always in need of this so please keep it coming.
PE kits have been sent home for a freshen up for the new term.
Thank you for your support – we look forward to seeing you in and around school over the next few weeks at our nativity, shared start & Christmas café.