Good morning primary 2😊

I hope you are all having a good week. I am not in school today, so I am looking forward to chatting with you throughout the day. I hope the weather is as lovely as yesterday and you can spend your day in your gardens!

Today’s tasks

Literacy – Today I have sent you a reading comprehension task over on Seesaw, you will be learning about how to keep yourself safe in summer as you read.

Practise reading common words using this game

Practise spelling common words using this game

Numeracy – Today you have a maths challenge mat to complete on Seesaw. Choose the level that best suits you!

You could also practise your number bonds – hopefully you are pretty quick with your number bonds to 10, and can work on number bonds to 20, or even 100!

Keep practising your x tables. You could use this game to choose a table to practise.

Have a fantastic day!

Miss Sweeney x