Good morning Primary 2😊

I hope you all had a good Monday! Thank you for all your posts on Seesaw yesterday, I enjoyed catching up with them in the afternoon. I am in school all day today so I will be quiet again until later on. I really am missing you all!

Today’s tasks

Literacy – There is a reading and colouring activity to keep you busy with practising your phonics over on Seesaw.

Practise your sight words using a favourite game of ours from class. What is your high score?

Numeracy – We are continuing with our revision of time. I have posted two activities on Seesaw, one is for if you need to keep practising o’clock and half past, and one is for practising o’clock, half past and quarter to.
If the weather is nice tomorrow you could practise time outdoors by drawing clocks and times outside. Once you’ve don’t this you could get an adult to test you to see how quickly you can find certain times. Or make a math jumping from 1’oclock to 2’oclock etc. A twister mat can be used to practise time, if you have a whiteboard pen at home this will wipe off easily.

I have also linked an interactive game you can use too.

I hope you all have a fantastic day!

Miss Sweeney x