Good morning Primary 2😊

I hope you all had a good day yesterday. I was very impressed with your pirate adventure stories You are all super writers!

Today’s tasks

Literacy – Today we are focusing on our reading comprehension. You each have a reading task on Seesaw. There are a lot of questions and I do not expect you to write the answers to them all. You can answer some of them verbally but try to write atleast a few out in a full sentence. This will help get you ready for Primary 3!

Numeracy – We are continuing learning about multiplication. You have a task on Seesaw, but please feel free to continue playing ten pin bowling or using interactive websites such as Topmarks to play games. J

Just like with your phonics/spelling you can adapt boardgames etc to help you practise your times tables. Make some times table flashcards, play pairs or snap with them, or use them to answer questions before taking your turn. 

Hopefully we will all see a bit of sunshine today. Make the most of it! Get outside and have a fun day 😊 

Miss Sweeney x