Good morning Primary 2😊

This week is flying by! It must be this fantastic weatherlaugh

Thank you for all your hard work already this week, and for your lovely videos and photos letting me know what you have been up to.

Thursday Tasks

Literacy – Today is a reading day.
  1. Developing our questioning skills.
Being able to ask questions is an important part of reading. It means you are really thinking about the text! Sometimes the author answers your questions, sometimes they don’t.
Have a go at creating your own questions about a character over on Seesaw.
  1. Read for pleasure!
Choose a book – anything you have at home, even if you’ve read it a 1000 times. Enjoy reading it! Then you could complete the activity I have linked on Seesaw which will encourage you to investigate the author’s clever writing.

Maths & Numeracy

Continuing with our data & information handling topic. Last week we revised tally marks. Today you might need to use them again, but we are learning to interpret and present pictograms.

As always, please do not feel you have to complete all these activities. Choose what suits you best smiley

The weather is set to be beautiful again! Enjoy it & stay safe. 

Miss Sweeney xx