Good morning Primary 2! 😊

I hope you all had a good day yesterday. I missed catching up with you on Seesaw but will get back to you all today.

Today is FUN FRIDAY (STEAM focus) and we are going to focus on engineering. Engineering challenges encourage you to be creative, problem solve and pull on lots of knowledge from things you have learned so far.

Here are a few activities you can choose from…
  1. Build a marble run
Build a marble run from junk (tubes would work really well) and tape. How tricky can you make it? How tall is it?
Take your time to make a plan as that is equally important. Label parts of your plan with ideas about what you could use.
  1. Paper chain challenge

This one can be done as a challenge with others or against yourself. Each person has one piece of A4 paper. Use the paper to create a paper chain. Who can make the longest paper chain out of their piece of A4? What did they do that made theirs the longest? Is it strong?
  1. Famous building/structure

Build a famous structure that you have heard of (such as the Eiffel Tower, Great Wall of China, Big Ben etc). The tricky part is the resources you can use. You can only use 2 resources some form of stick and a join – such as spaghetti (dried) and marshmallows, match sticks and jelly sweeties, sticks and twigs and play dough balls. How can you make your structure stronger?
  1. Jelly and oil challenge

Chop up cubes of (raw) jelly. Using chopsticks, can you use the jelly from one plate to another? – Maybe 20cm apart.
Now cover the jelly in oil. Can you do it now?

What has it changed? Which was trickier? Why do you think that?

Hopefully you enjoy whichever task you do today and it gets your brain thinking and solving lots of problems.

Have a fantastic Friday and a lovely weekend.

Miss Sweeney xx