Good morning Primary 2 and happy Friday!! 😊

I hope you have all had a good week of home learning. Today is Fun Friday! Although the weather is not as lovely as it has been, it is still dry and sometimes sunny – so we can’t really complain. Today I am hoping you can make the most of it, as these activities involve getting outside.


Here are a few STEAM ideas to keep you busy, and get your brains working.
  1. Natural self-portrait
Using only materials you have found outside, can you create a self-portrait? Either just your head and shoulders, or if you are feeling brave you could add your whole body.
  1. Estimating
In an outdoor space can you guess how far you would travel if you took 100 steps? Mark the point you think you would get to, and then check. How far would the adults in your family get if they took 100 steps? You can repeat this for jumps, rolls etc. Or using different numbers.
  1. Stone tower
Build a tower using stones found in your local area or garden. You will have to keep problem solving to make sure they balance and stay on top of one another. Which stone will you place on the bottom? Which will go on the top? You could turn this into a family competition to see who can create the tallest stone tower.
  1. Mini den
Can you build a mini den big enough for say… a rabbit? Use sticks, leaves, stones. Make sure the structure is safe. How tall will it need to be? How wide will it need to be? How would the animal get inside? Is it rain proof?
  1. Spring flower hunt
One of my favourite things about Spring is all the beautiful flowers. Go for a walk and see how many spring flowers you can find from the document attached. If you don’t have a printer then hopefully an adult can screenshot the pages to help you.
Take photos of the flowers you find or take some paper and pencils and draw a picture of some of the flowers you find.

Fun Friday video

It has been a few weeks since we’ve put together a Fun Friday video. I do have a few ideas up my sleeve for once we start our new topic.

But for today, if you would like to film a short message to all your friends, or to all the staff at school, send it to me and I will put these all together and share later today 😊

I hope you enjoy getting outside today whether it is to complete some of these tasks or to just enjoy being outdoors!

I miss you all! Have a fantastic weekend, stay safe and I look forward to speaking to you all again on Mondaylaugh.

Miss Sweeney xx