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Good morning P2 and HAPPY FRIDAY!! 😊

WOW! How is it May already?

You have almost finished another week of home learning. I am missing you all lots but I am glad to see you are all keeping happy and healthy at home!

Today is Fun Friday – again with a STEAM focus. We are going to keep going with our new topic: Lighthouses.


Please choose to do the activities that best suit you as a family – you can do as little or as much as you like.
Today we are looking at the inside of lighthouses.
You said you wanted to learn:
  • How many steps are there in a lighthouse?
  • Can you live in a lighthouse? How would you get your shopping?
  • How do you get to them if you do not have a boat?
  • When would the lighthouse keeper sleep?
Task one
All lighthouses look very different on the inside! They are all different shapes and sizes. Some have rooms, some only have stairs to get to the gallery and lamp room. As there are no Lighthouse Keeper’s living in Lighthouses around the UK anymore, most lighthouses are empty.
  1. Watch this video clip to see the ‘Day in the Life of a Lighthouse Keeper’: (This is not in the UK!)
  1. A day in the life of a lighthouse keeper
Imagine you are a lighthouse keeper. What would you do each day?
Write a diary entry (just like our weekend news) telling me what you did today. Remember you are the lighthouse keeper!

Task two
  1. Explore the inside of a lighthouse.
Have a look inside this lighthouse. Remember every lighthouse will look different, but I enjoyed looking inside this one.
2. Design the inside of a lighthouse
If you could live inside a lighthouse, what would it look like? How many rooms would there be? Would you live in the lighthouse tower? Or build a house next to the Lighthouse?

Task three
  1. Design and build a pulley system
Design and build a pulley system to transport Mr Grinling’s Lunch from the little white cottage to the lighthouse.
What resources would you need?
Can you make a basket to send down the pulley?
I can’t wait to see your creations!

I hope you all have another fantastic weekend. Relax and enjoy time away from the computer! And let’s hope for sunshine!! cheeky

I will see you all on Monday😊

Miss Sweeney x