Good morning everyone and happy Wednesday!

Today for Writing Wednesday I thought we could write about The Very Hungry Caterpillar. You can choose to either write about what you would do if YOU were a hungry caterpillar, or you can choose to write about another hungry animal. There is more detail in the pdf below.

I also thought it would be fun for you to have a go at being the teacher today. I tried to write five sentences about The Very Hungry Caterpillar, but I think I've made some mistakes. It's your job to assess my work and tell me what I did wrong! You can either print out my sentences and mark them like we would in class, or you can re-write the sentences the way they should be in your jotter. It is completely up to you. I know how much you all love marking my work! This activity will be on See-Saw.

I've also suggested to keep on practising with your letter formation today. It is very important to make sure we are getting our letters round the correct way and take our time to make sure they are neat and tidy. I have suggested some fun ways of doing this below.

Have another lovely day!
Mrs Jackson xx