Good morning Primary 1/2!
I hope you all had a lovely long weekend off. Please say hello over on See-Saw and let me know what you got up to. We had some lovely weather so I enjoyed a BBQ with some family in their garden at a safe distance. It was lovely getting to sit out in the sunshine!
Today we are kicking off our final topic of Toys. I have attached below the Home Learning Grid and will post the Literacy and Numeracy tasks on See-Saw.
Literacy - We will listen to this week's book of the week, Lost in the Toy Museum by David Lucas. There are some questions to answer after you have listened to the story, then we have a word of the week to explore too. For your main literacy task today you are being asked to prepare some questions to ask an older relative or family friend about the toys they played with when they were younger. You could ask them the questions over the phone, video call them, or perhaps meet up in a garden. Try to record what you find out on See-Saw.
Numeracy - You will start off with some skip counting today. Then we will be practising our knowledge of money by setting up a toy shop at home. You can label some of your toys with a price and borrow some coins from home to practise counting money to pay for the toys.
I hope you all have a lovely day and look forward to hearing from you all on SeeSaw.
Missing you all,
Mrs Jackson xx