Good morning Primary 1/2!
I hope you're all having a lovely week. I know so many of you had been planting flowers/fruits and vegetables a few weeks ago. I would love to see how they're coming along so try and post a photo of your wonderful creations if you can. I'd love to see them. I now have a giant sunflower, lots of chillies and a bucketful of potatoes so I'll post a photo of mine too.
Below are today's learning tasks. As always, if you are unsure of anything then please just ask me on See-Saw and I will do my best to help.
Literacy - Today we will be revising our phonics sounds and going on a phonics hunt! There are options to do this indoors or outdoors.
Numeracy - Today we will be revisiting 3D shapes.
I hope you all have a wonderful day :)
Mrs Jackson xx