Good morning everyone! We've reached another Friday!

Give yourselves all a massive pat on the back for being superstars during this strange time. Our First Minister, Nicola Sturgeon, had another message for all children on yesterday's daily announcement. She said she was so proud of how you have all coped with not seeing friends and family and you are all a credit to Scotland. Likewise, all of the staff here at Markinch Primary miss you all so much but we are just as proud of how you have all coped with everything. Every single photo I've seen on See-Saw has been massive smiles. Thank you for staying positive!

Today I have some fun suggested tasks for you to have a go at linked to our current topic. However, if the weather is still nice please make sure you have plenty time to have fun outside in the sunshine.

Miss you all and I will see you all on Monday with a special video.

Mrs Jackson xx