Good morning everyone :)

I can't believe we're at the end of another week (and another month!). I'm so proud of all of you for adapting to this very odd situation and coping with it the very best you can. I really have been blown away by the enthusiasm over on See-Saw, and I want to thank you all for taking the time to stay in touch and let me know how you're getting on. It really does make my day to see the lovely photos of your beautiful work and smiling faces. I understand how tricky it can be to balance school work and life so please don't worry too much about not completing the tasks set. I have deliberately been posting up a few tasks at a time to give you some variety to pick which activities best suit you at home, and I understand that you might choose to do your own thing too, which is completely fine :) However please do keep in touch on See-Saw if you can.

For Fun Friday today I have attached some tasks below. We have a little science experiment to do today if you have the materials to do it (it doesn't require anything fancy!), we have a new song to sing along to, there is a creative task for you to have a go at at lunchtime, and a wee health and wellbeing task where we can learn all about what food we can eat to help our bodies stay healthy.

I hope you all have a lovely weekend, and fingers crossed the sunshine comes back!

Take care,
Mrs Jackson xx