Hi everyone, we'd thought we'd just give you an update about what's been happening in the nursery over the last couple of weeks.

Our main focus has been on the wellbeing of our children and helping everyone settle back in to the nursery routines.  We're really proud of how all the children have settled in and we have had a few new children join us too! 

Our outdoor area is in the process of having a wee spring tidy up and revamp, which the children have also been involved in.  This has resulted in the children showing an interesting in learning more about living things - planting and minibeasts!  

Lots of the children have been developing their pre-writing skills either by mark making or wanting support with how to form letters.  Our team are working together to ensure that our nursery environment has lots of activities and resources available to support this. 

As yesterday was World Book Day there was also lots of chat about different authors and favourite books! 

The children have been using technology to learn new things.  The children have been investigating and exploring with small metal detectors to learn about different materials and also using the Beebots, developing their understanding of positional language. 

Yesterday, our introductory PEEP sway was posted on Seesaw for all our pre-school families.

If you have any queries regarding any of the above information, please speak to a member of the nursery team. 

Many thanks