For P7s
I am going to be sharing the final lessons from Branch Out. These will be shared in files on the Branch Out channel on Teams and with this message. A few messages will follow with the resources you will need.

You might remember that we started Branch Out just before the school was closed. I've changed some of the activities so that you can do them more easily at home. There is a pdf to read through and it may tell you to do some activities throughout it as well. I will be giving you specific time on Wednesday afternoon to do this but you may want to make a start on them before then. 

These are additional tasks so you can choose when you do them and how you record them. You could chat through them with an adult or work through them on your own. It might be helpful for you to do these activities in a little book or on separate paper. You don't need to send me any of this unless there is something you want to share with me or something you want to have a chat about. 
These should really help to prepare you for moving on to high school and for all the different emotions you might be feeling because of our current situation. Our mental wellbeing is so important and now, more than ever, we need to keep ourselves well in our body and mind! I hope they help in some way. Let me know if you need anything or have any questions. Enjoy 🙂 

For P6s - I know that you will enjoy these activities but please wait until next year when you will complete them with your teacher in P7.

Mrs Muir