
Hello Primary 6!smiley

I hope you are all well and finding your home learning tasks manageable and challenging enough.

Today I have given you a characterisation (writing) task for literacy and a fractions task for numeracy. 

For your numeracy task I have split it into chilli challenges again. Due to looking at all of your fractions work last week I have set chilli 1 as ordering and comparing fractions, chilli 2 and chilli 3 are about equivalent fractions. 

Top tip – if you are finding any of the numeracy tasks challenging or you don’t understand you can use the internet and YouTube to help you. This is a good skill to learn to support you in the future as you head into Primary 7 and move onto high school.

I will be available throughout the day if you feel you require more support with either your numeracy or literacy tasks.

Have a lovely day!

Mrs Barrett