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Hi all Primary 5/6 parents!!
I can’t believe we are already more than two weeks into the new school year. The children are gradually settling into new routines and are showing their abilities, skills, and talents.

Over this term we are going to be busy with our learning.

In reading lessons, we will mainly be focussing on the comprehension of texts we are reading, both as a class and in groups. This will include developing skills in summarising and prediction as well as making connections between the text and real life.
As well as this, they will be working to learn more about nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, and connectives.
In writing, the children will be working to develop skills in VCOP (Vocabulary, Connectives, Openers and Punctuation). These will help the children to improve their extended writing.

In numeracy lessons this term, the focus is place value, considering the value of different digits depending on their position in a number. This will be covered at different levels depending on the children’s individual understanding. They will also develop skills in rounding numbers to support in the estimation of calculations.
In Maths, the children are working with finding the area and perimeter of different shapes. They will also be collecting information to create their own graphs.
For Health and Wellbeing, the school has subscribed to a super programme called Emotion Works, which supports children’s self-awareness and mental health. We will begin to consider different emotions which we experience. As well as this, we will consider the benefits of a healthy and balanced diet.

Mrs Logan will be working with the children in PE with a particular focus on netball.
Our topic is The Solar System, researching lots of information about each of the planets and their relationship to the sun.
We are lucky to be given the opportunity to have a music specialist working with the class and she will be coming into the class once every fortnight to teach the children singing. It will be so lovely to hear the singing of children again in school.

As you can see, it is a full programme of learning. As usual, if you have any questions, just ask me on Seesaw for a quicker response. Can I encourage all parents to ensure that they are signed up to the seesaw app (the one for parents rather than just students) If you are unsure about this, please contact the school about how to do this.
I look forward to working with you all

Barbara Tulloch smiley