This term, in literacy, Primary 4B will be learning and developing various reading related skills including
- Summarising
- Predicting
- Vocabulary Development
- Identifying where and how speech is used.
- Asking and answering different kinds of questions, especially inferential (reading between the lines)
- Making connections between fiction and real life.
- The use of illustrations to support comprehension.
In writing, they will be spending some time looking at using persuasive language in letters, as well as report writing.
Numeracy and Maths
We will be learning about fractions and finding fractions of shapes and quantities. We have worked hard on multiplication and division so they should now be able to apply this learning to fractions.
Our Maths focus is money, especially focussing on profit and loss. We will also be learning to collect and interpret information from graphs.
Health and Wellbeing
PE will continue to take place on a Tuesday where we will be working on skills in athletics (run, jump and throw).
This term the whole school follows the Relationships, Sexual Health and Parenting Education Programme. Miss Easson emailed out further information on this earlier in the week.
For our topic this term, we will be running our own business and learning about how businesses are run.
Given that the Scottish elections are coming up over the next few weeks, we will also be having a think about how are country is run, especially thinking about democracy.
A very busy term ahead!!!
I have attached the Primary 4B homework schedule for the next 4 full weeks.
Thanks for your support
Barbara Tulloch