Good morning everyone! 
The sunshine was back with us yesterday, let's hope it sticks around a little while longer! 

Today's Learning
In literacy we are focusing on reading comprehension, looking at a non-fiction text.  
In numeracy we are continuing to develop our multiplication and division skills. Making use of the times table songs activities on Education City as well! 

I'd also like to add how amazingly impressed I was with your WANTED posters from yesterday!! They were absolutely brilliant! I am pleased to say with all of your help the mastermind clock thief has indeed been captured!! WAAAHOOOO! 👏🏻

Lovely to see some of the work you are all doing from the home learning grid, remember if you wish to add further learning from other areas of the curriculum please look there. A copy was sent out in an announcement on SeeSaw.

Have a fun day! 
Miss Rennie x