Wednesday 17th June
Happy Wednesday! Here are the Literacy and Numeracy tasks for today.
Numearcy task  li – algebra
Green task – li – to solve a simple equation using cover up method
See the explanation and complete the green task in files.
Orange task – li to solve further inequalities in equations
See the explanation and complete the orange task in files.
Red task – li to remove brackets in an equation and simplify
See the explanation and tasks in files.
Literacy Task – To create a story
Your task is to write an extended piece of writing, a story. This is the last piece of writing you are ever going to do at Primary School therefore I want it to be the best. 😊
You can choose any style of writing, with any characters you want and any setting. You will still need to think of a beginning, middle and end and the elements of a story such as a problem and resolution. Think about all of the things we have learned with writing this year and all of the things you’ve learned in the years before. Use it all. Use VCOP, use personification, use similies and sophisticated language. I am giving you until Monday 29th June to send me in your writing. This will give you lots of time to plan it, think about the language you are going to use, to write a draft, edit and then write the final copy. I will enclose a checklist for you to use and you can plan your writing in any way you want.
Either scan me your writing or type up the final version and email your story to me on GLOW.
Show me what you’re made of and go for it!!!

Remember to always be the best version of yourself!                                
 Miss C 😊