Tuesday 16th June
Happy Tuesday! Here are today’s Numeracy and Literacy tasks.
Numearcy task  li – algebra
Green chilli – solving equations using the cover up method
Orange chilli – inequalities with equations
Red chilli – removing brackets in equations
Literacy Task – li – to reflect upon a text
We are learning about the Holocaust. A few weeks ago, one of your comprehension tasks was about a special girl called Anne Frank. If you didn’t complete the job, you can go back and find it 😊 Anne Frank was a Jewish girl during WW2 who wrote a diary about her experiences. Anne’s birthday was on the 12th June.
She and her family had to go into hiding from the Nazis to save their lives. This meant they had to go into hiding for 761 days. We are in a unique position right now because of Covid-19, we are having a tiny bit experience of what Anne Frank went through. Imagine being in one room, with all your family and not allowed to leave for over 2 years.
Read the fact cards in files about Anne and watch the following links:
Now reflect on your experience of lockdown and how does it compare to Anne’s experience. What have you been able to do throughout lockdown that Anne didn’t? Complete the comparison task in files.
Anne Frank and what the other millions of Jewish people experienced and were killed for, should never be forgotten.
Remember to always be the best version of yourself!                                
 Miss C 😊