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Monday 15th June
Happy Monday!
I hope you all had a lovely weekend?  Only 3 more weeks of term before the summer holidays. Time is flying in.   
 Here are the Literacy and Numeracy tasks for today!
Numearcy task  li – mixed mental maths
Task 1
You will find in files, mixed mental maths calculation games. These are chilli challenged, *=green ** = orange *** = red. You will need someone to play with. If you do not have someone to play with or for any reason you cannot play the game, your task is to go on to Sumdog. Logon and passwords were given out on the front of your home learning pack.

Literacy Task – li – spelling patterns
Li – cious
Li – adverbials of time
Li – prefix inter
Li – challenge words
Li – contractions

I have enclosed two different activities for you choose from. Or you could do both! 😊  

Remember to always be the best version of yourself!                                
 Miss C 😊