Happy Monday! I hope you all had a lovely weekend, remember to send me your points for the Sports day on Friday and any photos of what you got up to.
We are going to mainly have the same grid from last week since it was such a short week. I have only included new topic tasks. To find the resources for the other tasks on the grid, look at the file Monday 25th June.
Saturday was the anniversary of D-Day. If you want to remind yourself of what happened, look at the topic Tuesday files, there are D-Day tasks in there.
Here are the Literacy and Numeracy tasks for today!
Numearcy task li – mixed mental maths
Task 1
]Today is Mental Maths Monday. In files, I have given you a four in a row mental maths game. You may use a spare piece of paper to work out your answers but try not to use a calculator. The games are chilli challenged * = green ** = orange ***= red.
I have also enclosed the daily mental maths sheets for the month of June. These are chilli challenged, green, orange and red.
Literacy Task – li – spelling patterns
Purple Li – tious |
Blue Li – en suffix |
Red Li – word families |
Green Li – ch sounds like sh |
Yellow Li – common exception words |
Choose some of your words (minimum 3) and write 3 definitions. One is actually the correct definition and the other 2 are made up. Once you have done this, give to someone to see if they can guess the correct definition.
Remember to always be the best version of yourself!
Miss C 😊