Good evening,

We are really excited to announce that we will be creating our own P7 recipe book. This will link into our JASS work. We will be collecting recipes, designing the pages and the cover and then advertising the book. We will work as a team to put this together, have it printed and then advertise and sell it.

We would like to collect your favourite family recipes. For example, 'Granny's Fruit Scones' or 'Auntie Jo's One Pot Pasta'. If you have any recipes you would like to share with us to be included in our recipe book, please send them into school on paper or email them to us at 

Please give your recipe a name and ensure that it includes everything we would need - ingredients, amounts and the cooking method.

Here are some of the categories we will be including so feel free to send us a couple of examples - 
- Cupcakes and cakes
- Bread and rolls
- Meals (eg chicken, pasta, beef and so on)
- Desserts
- Quick and easy recipes
- Recipes from around the world
- Healthy eating
- Family favourites

We have a tight printing deadline and we can't wait to get started so please make sure your recipes are in as soon as possible, ideally by Wednesday 11th November! 

Thank you for your help,
Mrs Muir and P7a