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Hi P6/7,

I can’t believe that this is the final week of term! It is so strange not seeing you all and being so busy in school, taking work down and sorting out the classroom!

This week’s tasks will follow the same routine as usual but I’ve planned out jobs which have a bit more of a summer/moving on focus. The home learning grid reflects this too and has lots of fun activities for you to complete! You can also refer back to last week’s grid if you wish to complete any of the focused topic, HWB, expressive arts or STEM activities.

We will have a meeting on Monday at 10am for everyone.

Have a happy Monday!

Mrs Muir 😊

Groups 1 and 2
Today, we are going to continue our focus on mental maths skills. This practice will increase your speed and general number skills. 

Task 1a – mental maths
I would like you to start of with a ‘brain trainer’. This is a quick activity which should get your brain warmed up!

This task can be completed on paper if you can’t print it out.

Task 1b – mental maths
Your next task is to complete the ‘Ultimate times table challenge 5’. As this is the last one we will complete, please look back over your scores and see if you have improved your time, answers or both!

If you can’t print these off, don’t worry, just write out your answers on paper or in your jotter.

Task 1c – mental maths
For some extra brain training, try this website - https://www.mathtrainer.org/ This will give you short, quick questions focused on speed and number bonds.