Hello everyone,
I hope you enjoyed your tasks yesterday and got on well with them. Thank you for sharing your work with me each day!
Enjoy your day!
Mrs Muir 😊
Group 3
Today, we are going to keep exploring time, clocks and timetables. I have included the answers along with these tasks today - no peeking until you are finished!
Task 1a – topic maths
First of all, I would like you to complete ‘p41-41’. This focuses on reading timetables. The skills you have been practising should help you with this.
This task can be completed on paper or in your jotter.
Task 1b – topic maths Â
Next, I would like you to complete the ‘Challenge cards’. These focus on general time skills and will help you to become more confident.Â
Task 1c – topic maths
To complete your maths tasks today, try out these online games which focus on telling the time - https://www.topmarks.co.uk/Search.aspx?q=telling+time
P6/7 Tuesday's Numeracy Tasks for Group 3