Hi P6/7,
Welcome back to week 10 of home learning. We are now very close to finishing the term – only this week and next to go. This week is particularly exciting because P7 have their transition visit to Auchmuty on Tuesday.
We will have a meeting on Monday at 10am for everyone, followed by a P6 meeting on Tuesday at 10am.
I hope you have a great start to your week!
Mrs Muir 😊
Group 3
Today, we are going to continue our focus on mental maths skills. This type of practice will strengthen your general number skills and your speed. Â
Task 1a – mental maths
To get your brains warmed up I would like you to spend 15-20 minutes using Number Gym. Remember to focus on the number, bond building and times tables parts of this. If you can’t remember your login details either check with me or look back at your home learning pack.
Task 1b – mental maths
Your next numeracy task is to complete the ‘Mental Maths Challenge’. These contain a range of different types of mental maths questions.
If you can’t print out the sheet you need, simply complete the answers on paper or in your jotter.
Task 1c – mental maths
If you would like an extra bit of practice, I’ve included a multiplication word search too which will test your times table recall.
P6/7 Monday's Numeracy Tasks - Group 3