Hello P6/7,
Well, it is Friday again! Week 10 of home learning is complete!
I hope we get some sunshine this weekend and that you enjoy time with your families.
Missing you all!
Mrs MuirĀ
Group 3
Task 1a – warm up!
Warm up time first – spend 15-20 minutes on Number Gym. Remember to focus on the bond builder or number work. If you can’t remember your login, let me know or look at your home learning pack.
Task 1b - challenge
Today’s task is to work your way through the ‘Maths challenges’. These contain a mix of skills, some of which will have quick answers and some which will need a bit more working out. You can choose how many you complete – 6, 12 or the whole sheet!
P6/7 Friday's Numeracy Tasks for Group 3