Good afternoon, 

There have been a number of pupils in class asking if they should be wearing PE clothing on days we have PE, as some other classes have been doing. 

Our PE days are Tuesday and Thursday. On a Tuesday we are working on exercising and using our bodies to develop our stamina, this mainly involves short periods of repetitive exercises such as squats and skipping.  On Thursday we are practicing our team building, coordination and ball skills.  

As neither of these involve excessive exercise and both are at the end of the school day, I have not asked pupils to wear PE clothing as sensible shoes for outdoor activities is enough.  However, if you wish for your child to wear 'PE clothing' on these days, they can.

I would like to reiterate the importance of wearing sensible shoes everyday as we do go out to do our daily mile every day and this can be difficult or awkward in the wrong footwear.  If anyone wants to bring a change of shoes for this purpose, they can be kept in the classroom and sent home at the end of each term.

Miss Fyfe