Good afternoon all,

It has been a wonderful first term in Primary 4a, I have been very proud and impressed with how well the class has settled back into the school routine and how enthusiastic they have been to get back into learning.

In literacy we have been focusing on our handwriting, spelling and including VCOP in all of our writing.  We have also had a strong focus this term on listening and talking skills which has included opening and carrying a discussion as a group as well as giving opinions and responding to others appropriately.

In numeracy and Maths, we have been learning about Place value and Time.  Place value is an important aspect of numeracy as it encourages us to understand numbers and how they are made.  Everyone has worked well with this and there have been great achievements across the class.  In time we have covered all aspects of telling AM and PM analogue and digital time, as well as working on elapsed time. 

Health and Wellbeing has had a strong focus on team building and communication.  We have been involved in different tasks which help to develop these skills such as problem solving, games and class discussions.  In PE we have been focusing on exercise and ball skills.

I am looking forward to a very busy term 2, where I am sure there will be lots more great learning happening in our classroom.  It is my hope that everyone signs up to seesaw as this will be the main way the class share work when we cannot have our shared starts and finishes, as well as a great communication tool between myself and home.

I wish everyone a wonderful October break and I look forward to seeing you all in the new term!

Miss Fyfe smiley