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Good morning Primary 2! 😊

Welcome back to our FINAL week of home learning, and our final week of Primary 2! I am so, so sad that we cannot celebrate the fantastic year that we have had together, but I hope that you can celebrate by having a fantastic week at home.

On Thursday I hope that you will all join me on a virtual class trip to Edinburgh Zoo. All work this week is based around the things we might need to prepare or things we might see on Thursday. I have attached information below for the whole week.

I know some of you might already have plans for Thursday, so if you would like all activities to be allocated for you to work through at your own place then please just let me know on Seesaw.

I would love to see lots of your smiley faces on Seesaw this week!! 😊

*End of term video*
If you would like to send a short message for all of your friends, then please send it to me on Seesaw. I will put these together and share as soon as I can. I will also put together lots of photos and videos from our class trip.

I miss you all lots!

Miss Sweeney x