Today Primary 1 started learning about planting bulbs as part of our Percy the Park Keeper topic. We had a close look at the bulbs and compared them to seeds, spoke about the types of flowers that grow from bulbs, and about what the bulbs need to grow – soil, water, sunshine and TIME. We know it is a long time til Spring, but we are looking forward to seeing our bulbs grow into flowers.
Some of us had time to begin planting bulbs this afternoon and these will have been brought home. If you plan to re-pot these into one of your own garden pots, can we please ask that you return the black pot to school to allow us to reuse this for further planting?
Or if you have any old plastic pots or spare bulbs lying around we would very much appreciate any donations to allow us to continue exploring the topic of planting and growing.
We hope you enjoying hearing all about our learning and watching these flowers grow.
Thank you,
Miss Sweeney